Monday, March 5, 2007

i have to write about something.................

for two nights i've laid sleepless in my bed, i felt like had to write about something, but my mind is blank.....

i've had a blank mind for two days now.

Has your face ever burned because of embarrassment? Or because you KNOW everyone is looking at you? My face burnt twice this week....

I feel compelled to discuss how I cheated the system today....

I snuk in an can of dr. pepper and taco bell into the library today. I think I've decided on what I will do as a hobby now: stick it to the library, and practice to become an european soccer player.

I love cracking open canned drink in the huge reading room of the library. The loud noise makes everyone looks at you, and you turn red because you're embarrassed. But you love the feeling because you know that you just broke the rules, and everyone else knows it too.

Long story short, I don't feel like a renegade. I get paranoid that one of the librarians will catch me and make me throw my drink out. So I hide my drink, and I burn quietly in my chair...

Second story about how my face burnt. I finally realized that I'm "that kid" in my Consumer Behavior class. No one sits by me. Literally. I noticed this phenomena earlier in the week when people that are my friends in class moved away from me and started sitting on the other side of the room. Same with everyone else. The row behind me is empty and so is the row in front me. I have five chairs separating me from the next person on my row. I realized my face burnt after I told a third lame story about my grandmother in class. Not the third story about my grandmother, but just my third story in class that mentioned my grandmother for the first time. Get it? Anway, I think there's a limit to how many questions you can answer and how many times you can talk in a college class. And I definetly crossed that boundry on Friday. When I realized how I had crossed the threshold into "annoying kid in class-dom" I immediately sat in my chair, and burnt....

1 comment:

scram. said...


It is Scram.

I fully support your Taco Bell Rebellion of 2007 and your Grandmother Tale Telling (also of 2007).

I miss,